
Handmade – Box frame and Lamp base

Box Frame Lamp Base

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This article suggests some ways to make box frames and lamp bases manually, with foam board and LED lighting 3 modules.
Depending on the type of led you use, you may need to adjust them accordingly.

Box frame – 1 sided paper cut light box


– Foam board: thickness of 5 to 10 millimeters. (the thicker it is, the harder it is to cut hands)
– Knife: you need a sharp blade, can use a scalpel or paper knife.
– Pencil and ruler.
– Glue: you need a plastic glue. (In the photo is 502 glue)

Start doing!

– Draw dimensions on the foam board.
– Then use a knife to cut the foam board into pieces. (try to keep the blade perpendicular to the foam board for nice slices)

Foam board pieces after cutting:

Make holes to install switches and jacks. (There will be different depending on the type of leds and adapter you use)

Next, you stick the foam board pieces together.

Put the mica (or glass) inside the box.

Put the picture inside the box, adding some blocking bars to prevent it from falling out.

Install the led light and attach it to the back of the box frame. Then tighten the screws.

The result is here!


Light base – 5 sided paper cut light box

Cut the foam board into pieces:

Make holes to install switches and jacks. (There will be different depending on the type of leds and adapter you use)

Next, you stick the foam board pieces together:

Next is the lid part of the lamp base:

The result is here!


Lamp base – pop-up paper cut light box

You can also make a lamp base with PAPER. (When purchasing the product will include a printout to create paper lamp bases)
But I have a word of advice: you should only use a paper lamp base if you are not using leds, or your lights are not giving off heat.
Pop-ups can combine colored paper to create a unique style without resorting to LEDs.

Cut the foam board into pieces:

Make holes to install switches and jacks. (There will be different depending on the type of leds and adapter you use)

Next, you stick the foam board pieces together:

The result is here!

Tag: Instructions, tutorials, how to make box frames, lamp bases

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